Entity Framework Extensions is a library that dramatically improves EF performances by using bulk and batch operations.
People using this library often report performance enhancement by 50x times and more!
The library is installed through NuGet. Extension methods are added automatically to your DbContext.
It easy to use, easy to customize.
Entity Framework is reputed to be very slow when saving multiple entities! The performance issue is mainly due to the DetectChanges method and the number of database round-trip.
By example for SQL Server, for every entity you save, a database round-trip must be performed. So if you need to insert 10000 entities, then 10000 database round-trips will be performed which makes the process INSANELY slow.
Entity Framework Extensions in counterpart only requires a few database round-trips which greatly helps to improve the performance.
BulkSaveChanges Method
BulkSaveChanges method is the upgraded version of SaveChanges.
All changes made in the context are persisted in the database but way faster by reducing the number of database round-trip required!
BulkSaveChanges supports everything:
- Association (One to One, One to Many, Many to Many, etc.)
- Complex Type
- Enum
- Inheritance (TPC, TPH, TPT)
- Navigation Property
- Self-Hierarchy
- Etc.