Customer Service

With over 15 years experience in marketing and selling software to businesses, we have the connections, knowledge and experience to answer your questions quickly, to provide quotes tailored to your specific requirements, and to ask the right questions to make sure that the products you request are the ones that best match your needs and that the price quote that we provide is accurate and correct.


In addition, we also maintain a database of questions and answers, based on queries and requests sent to us and our suppliers over many years, allowing us to reply to your questions with reliable, professional responses within very short timeframes, without delay, without having to account for time-zone differences, and without needing service agreements with suppliers.


Each customer inquiry is handled in accordance with our SLA (one business day for products in our catalog).


If you are not exactly sure what your needs are, or the product you are looking for does not fit your budget requirements, we will gladly provide you with recommendations for alternative products and solutions, allowing you to make the best decision for your organization.


Company Information and Hours of Operation

Need help in finding the right software license for you? Perhaps you wish to upgrade or renew licenses, or to locate an existing license? Contact us by email or phone and we will be happy to assist.


Sunday to Thursday 08:30 - 18: 00

Phone: 03-5327320

Fax: 03-5321390


Gush Etzion 13, Givat Shmuel, 5403013

Ministry of Defense Supplier No.: 11006470

Adobe Support Center: 1-809-344-217

DUNS No.: 64-982-6468 

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